The Hempindica Raw Cbd Regimen
The Hempindica RAW CBD Regimen was designed in 2014 to help clients get the best results possible by using CBD in conjunction with other specific guidelines for staying healthy. Over the years, the RAW CBD Regimen has evolved into what it is today – A guide to Relief and Wellness within the body by achieving a state of Homeostasis through CBD and a healthy diet and lifestyle.

RAW CBD Regimen Dosing
- Start with a “grain of rice” sized dosage under the tongue, twice daily with food and water.
- Double the dosage every 3 days until 1 FULL GRAM is reached DAILY.
- Dosage can be done all at once, or spread throughout the day as desired.
- Supplements and additional CBD products can be added to your daily intake if needed.
- We can process up to our body weight in mg of CBD daily. Example- if you weight 160lbs, your body can process approximately 160 mg per day.
- Each gram of Hempindica RAW CBD has 162 mg of Full Spectrum CBD including CBDA
Detox – the first 10-14 days of your CBD regimen will consist of detoxing the body of toxins. This is done through a combination of gradually increasing your CBD dosage, consistent water intake, and a clean diet. From the first day of your regimen, the following will be required for maximum CBD benefit:
Drink half your body weight in water in ounces daily
In other words, if you weigh 160 lbs, the daily required amount of water would be 80oz. After each dose of CBD, a 16oz glass of water should be consumed within half an hour. The remaining 80 oz of water is consumed throughout the day.

Monitor Water PH
The PH of your water should test above 8. Testing kits can be acquired at any grow/gardening shop or aquarium store.
The power of hydrogen (PH)
This is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body. The total PH scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 7 considered neutral. A PH below 7 is considered to be ACIDIC – while solutuions greater than 7 are ALKALINE. Disease and cell mutation can be eliminated or reversed through an Alkaline environment in the body. So we convert our tissue in an alkaline state.
High PH water in conjunction with CBD can quickly flush toxins from your body and decrease inflammation.

The Power of Lemon Juice
Add a Tbsp of Lemon Juice to your water. Lemon Juice will create an alkaline state in the body as well as relieve stomach issues, clean the liver and blood, and help with decreasing inflammation.
Polyphenol Rich Diet
EAT RAW DARK PURPLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. These raw foods convert directly into energy increasing the CBD’s bioavailability. Polyphenols have other health benefits including inflammation reduction.

The Hempindica RAW CBD Regimen and these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure/prevent any disease or condition.