CBD and Hemp replayed products are everywhere now. From grocery stores to gyms and spas and highly developed online shops – it seems easier than ever to pick up a bottle of CBD oil from a number of different brands. New businesses might be wondering how to start selling CBD products in a seemingly saturated market?
This may sound discouraging for the up-and-coming CBD/Hemp seller, but we invite you to take a deeper look. A little perspective goes a long way in this world, and it is no different in the Hemp Economy.
Question, what do these brands that you see saturating the market have in common? Perhaps what they have in common is what they don’t have.
Look closely at these products. They have one or two potency options, and maybe one or two flavor options, nothing more. Now, you could pick these brands apart by looking at their lab results and checking the quality of the products, which is indeed important – but you should be looking at what they are not doing when researching how to start selling CBD products.
In these cases, the customers have the illusion of choice. They might not know that higher potencies or more oil options and flavorings are available. Furthermore, they might appreciate complimentary additions like our Black Seed Oil CBD Drops or any other concoction you can thnk of.
That is the Hempindica difference. We have many options thaqt are simply not offered by other mass market brands. And if you can think of a way to front run the market with your own concoction, then we can help you do it. We thrive on creativity and it has been our secret to success.
We have over 950 choices of High Potency CBD Oil alone. You won’t find this anywhere else. We also offer Our Proprietary RAW CBG and CBG Lines, Topicals, Pet Products, Capsules, Superfoods, Gummies and more.
To sign up for our initial catalog of offerings or to discuss a custom product of your own, please shoot us an email, or send us a message in the chat box below, and check out our wholesale business opportunities.